
Friday 13 September 2013

Last Week And The Aquathlon

Last Wednesday: We went to Thorpe Park with our cousins Tilly and Ophelia. Ivan didn't like it that much because he was to small for all the Roller Coasters and because they all went upside-down.It was lots of fun and we are going to have to go back with my Dad when he gets here. Thursday: We went to Chessington, which is more of a little kids theme park but it still has some big kids rides and ever since we have gone Ivan has been begging to go back. Friday: We were too tired for sight seeing. All we did was rest and watch movies, TV and play video games. Saturday/Sunday: We were at our cousin Logan's house which is very old and was once 3 cottages which have been knocked into one. it has lots of creaky stair ways and lots of little places to hide. Fast forward to Wednesday 11th September. My auntie Alison flew in from Auckland and My auntie Hilary and I went to pick her up. then we went to the Aquathlon world championships in Hyde park London. (for those of you who don't know aquathlon is a 1 km swim and then a 5 km run) Mums group were set off. Mum who is usually first out of the water by miles was beaten by a 35 year old but she soon caught them on the second lap of the run and came in 1st place, Still world champion!!! Afterwards we walked to Buckingham palace and Westminster to see Big Ben the clock at the houses of Parliament. We have been at my Grandparents house since then and went to the circus yesterday which was really good. We are just getting ready to head off again as my mum is racing again on Sunday in the World Triathlon championships in London. Pictures for this post coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wowee Finn, you're getting to see quite a bit over there. I'm very excited to hear how your Mum did???!!!
