
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Te Maunga Challenge

On Sunday the 10th of November Te Pahu School sent three teams of four to compete in the Te Maunga School Challenge. The Challenge involves a 1km row on the erg (a stationary rowing machine) and a 12km bike. Our most senior team of Finn Hamill, Daniel Boyd, Lars Hansen and Graham Wade came 1st out of 16 teams. Our two cyclists Graham and Lars had a clean sweep of the cycling coming in 1st place. In the rowing Finn and Daniel came a very close second to Ohaupo. To achieve this placing the boys had to go through pain and sweat. All the teams put in a great effort. The other teams were Flynn Cameron, Pixie Cameron, Jasper Moorhouse and Logan Burgess. In the third team there was Aidan Laird, Blake Moulder, Brendon Boyd and Jared Bowe. We ended up winning $250 worth of sports from Rebel Sport. Finn Hamill and Daniel Boyd Left Lars Hansen And Graham Wade Right.

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